Christian Values
At Quinton Church Primary School, our Christian Values are:
Be kind, be fair, be thankful
These overarching values of kindness, fairness and thankfulness are further explored through the values set out below-
Kindness- compassion, service, peace, love
Fairness- justice, forgiveness, wisdom
Thankfulness- hope, friendship, trust
We have these values because of Jesus and are our basis for teaching children about the life and work of Jesus.
Each of our values, has a series of bible stories linked to it. Through collective and class worship, we use these stories to help us understand the values and the impact they can have on our lives. Worship is part of our daily routine at Quinton Church Primary School.
Please click here to view our collective worship overview and the bible stories and scripture that is linked to our values.
Each class has made a display in the hall showing our school values.
Here is an overview of our scripture progression map. This maps out the Bible stories we listen to, study and reflect upon through our collective worship and teaching and learning.
Scripture Progression Map 2023.pdf