The school has 3 simple values ‘Be Kind, Be Fair and Be Thankful’ The school has 3 simple learning behaviours that all staff and children consistently refer to as 'Ready, Respectful and Responsible.'
Recognition Boards Displayed on the recognition board will be, “Today I am kind, fair and thankful”. This is the minimum expectation for all pupils and staff at Quinton Church Primary school- to display these values in everything they do.
Pupils will start each day with their names next to this.
Pupils who are then recognised for displaying the learning behaviours of ready, respect and responsible, can move their name next to this to show that they are a role model for their peers, have gone above and beyond the expectations and are demonstrating the desired learning behaviours.
For pupils who continue to model these values and behaviours, or who do something extraordinary, they will move their name to a ‘gold star’ at the top of the recognition board and earn 5 house points. |
There is no negative behaviour displayed on the recognition boards. This is dealt with privately not publicly. |
Individual rewards 5 house points for moving to gold House points for demonstrating our values
At the end of the week, the 3 children with the most house points will receive a small prize.
Collective rewards The house with the most points at the end of each half term will earn an extra break time The house at the end of the term with the most points will earn a treat for their house! |
The following behaviours will not be tolerated (not an exhaustive list)
Every child starts every day back on be kind, be fair, be thankful |
Ask your child about their class vision. |
This is what our children think of behaviour and bullying at Quinton:
" Teachers will always give us advice on how to deal with a situation"- Year 6 Pupil. |
" We get advice on how to solve similar problems in the future"- Year 5 Pupil |
" We are all equal and special in different ways"- Year 4 Pupil |
" You can talk to teachers and trust that they will listen to both sides"- Year 4 Pupil |
" You're listened to and all the teachers deal with things"- Year 3 Pupil |
" Bullying is quite rare, it doesn't happen very often and when it is, it is dealt with quickly"- Year 3 Pupil |
" The teachers encourages reflection and how to play with other fairly"- Year 2 Pupil |
" Anti-Bullying week showed me how important it is to be nice to people" - Year 2 Pupil |
" We are all Unique" - Year 1 Pupil |