Our Year 6 Class
Welcome to Year 6!
Your final year at Quinton Church Primary is going to be a memorable one! Our Year 6 teacher is Miss Hansard and help from Mrs Leonard.
Year 6 is a fun-packed and busy year for the children with lots to learn and enjoy. We will be continuing to develop all the skills the children have learnt so far in their learning journey as well as getting them ready for their next adventure of secondary school. Year 6 is full of events that the children will remember for a long time and will be able to look back in pride and joy.
Some of us have the responsibility of being a prefect, librarian, house captain, member of GLOW, school council and eco warriors, as well as being Head Boy and Girl.
Another important part of Year 6 is SATs, which will happen in May. We are working extremely hard to do as well as we can. Throughout the year we will be practising an working hard to build our confidence and get us ready for SATS. We will work hard to improve our skills in reading, writing, maths and SPAG, but we will also be learning new and exciting things through the subjects!
We may also get a chance to go on residential and to stage an end of year production, as well as look back on our memories at Quinton Church Primary School… It is a very exciting year group to be a part of!
Reading book days and expectations:
Each child has been given a day to bring in their reading books and reading logs to be read with an adult. This may change some weeks due to timetable changes, so it is advised once the children have finished reading at home to put it back in their bag and bring it in everyday in case they need to be read with. Children should be reading at home at least three times per week either individually or with an adult and to write a short sentence about what they have read, which pages they have read and how they have found the book. Books will be changed once the children have finished their book and checked by an adult at school.
P.E Days:
P.E days are a Tuesday and a Thursday. During the winter months children are advised to bring in joggers and trainers to use during outside P.E sessions. Children should also have access to pumps to use in the hall when P.E sessions are done inside.
Spelling Shed is uploaded every Wednesday and children are expected to have completed the last activity by Wednesday, ready for the next set of spellings.
99 Club is given out on a Friday and expected in the following Friday ready to be marked and checked during 99 Club on a Friday morning.
In the run up to SATS children will be receiving extra homework which again will be given out on a Friday and expected in the following Friday.
If you have any questions, worries or concerns then please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Thank you, Miss Hansard & Mrs Leonard |