Our Year 3 Class
A huge welcome to Year 3’s class page!
Our teacher is Miss. Carter.
Year 3 marks the beginning of KS2, which means the children will be starting to work more independently on a variety of exciting and fun subjects! Throughout the year, we will investigate the skeleton and muscles in science, explore the Stone, Bronze and Iron Age in History, design and create fruit kebabs and tarts in DT and much more!
Reading book days and expectations:
In year three, each child has a specific day to change their books and each child will bring home 2 books:
- A stage book based on their Oxford reading tree assessment.
- A reading for pleasure book from our class or school library.
We change our books weekly and children are expected to have their reading books and reading record in school every day so that they can always be ready to read with an adult in school!
P.E Days:
Our P.E day is Monday, children in year 3 have a double P.E session. Children’s PE kits should be brought into school at the start of each half term, it will be sent home at the end of every half term to be washed and retuned back to school.
Homework is set every Friday and should be returned the following Thursday. Your child will come home with their current 99 club sheet. Spellings will be set on spelling shed. They will also have a half termly project to complete, which we share in class at the end of every half term.
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to see me before or after school.
Thank you Miss Carter |